
There are growing rates of physical inactivity and sedentarism in the world. the lockdowns caused by Covid-19 only aggravated the problems of sedentary lifestyle that have a huge impact on younger generations who are at particular risk.

There are growing rates of physical inactivity and sedentaryism in the world. the lockdowns caused by Covid-19 only aggravated the problems of a sedentary lifestyle that have a huge impact on younger generations who are at particular risk. Against this backdrop, there is a need for developing more innovative solutions to tackle the challenges of physical inactivity, mental health issues caused by lack of movement, and the absence of peer-to-peer socializing.

The Reinventing Sporting Traditions (ReSport) project aims to reinvent, reshape, and revitalize European Traditional Sports and Games (TSGs) and adapt them to the digital trends and requirements of the 21st century.

The main outcome of the project is an educational manual featuring reinvented TSGs. These reinvented TSGs will be tested by young participants from participating countries.

ReSport aims to take advantage of modern-day technological and digital solutions for the benefit of promoting and popularizing European TSGs for younger generations.TSGs will be identified from the participating countries.

ReSport is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Sport program of the European Union.

Partner countries are:







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