Our project will address many issues for KIN-BALL sport. It will also address issues such as racism, gender equality, and justice. Awareness of the participating youth towards these concepts will also increase. During sports activities, physical, mental and psychological development will be provided. Refugees will be integrated into society and social life they live in.
Let’s Remove Borders With Kin-Ball/ REBOKIN
First of all, we would like to introduce the sports branch KIN-BALL, which we will use as a tool for the integration of refugees into the society they live in.
KIN-BALL is different from other sports branches, as it helps to improve the physical condition, skills and abilities of people of various age groups, to show their courage, to ensure that they enjoy the happiness of success and to strengthen the social relations of people, especially because of the mixed play of men and women.
The purpose of the game
It is a fun and strategy sport that is played by 3 teams of 4 people, based on the aim of catching and attacking a huge ball in the designated area without dropping it.
Since Kin-ball is based on fair-play, the teams playing in this frame get an extra 5 points at the end of the match by the referee team. The team with the most points wins at the end of all periods.
What are the benefits of KIN-BALL to people?
Team spirit
Fair-play phenomenon Hand-eye coordination
Each team has different colours since 3 teams play simultaneously in KIN-BALL. These colours are blue, black and grey. Colours refer to:
Blue; Besides gender equality and emphasis on women, unity, togetherness and prejudice, it also represents justice.
Black; It represents racial equality.
Grey; It represents the future, the galaxy, the upcoming Olympic games and global communications.
At this point, KIN-BALL’s objectives match exactly with our project targets and we plan to reach our project targets more easily with the activities to be carried out.
Please check: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WztPRLP9vx8
Undoubtedly, the most suitable environment for eliminating prejudices and establishing mutual understanding is the gathering and rapprochement of people. Thus, people have the opportunity to get to know each other without intermediaries and their prejudices disappear. Our project will bring together refugee youth and young people from the local community and provide an opportunity to get to know each other. Both Refugees and local youth will learn KIN-BALL and get to know a new sports branch.